Hello again there.
After my blogging frenzy the other morning when I couldn't sleep, I have gone rather quiet on the blogging front.
MLO and I went to Monmouth to deliver the things to his farm, and had a bit of a stroll through the town when we were there, he also treated me to lunch with a lovely cup of tea as well. That morning he had had his new mobile phone delivered for use on his contract, and was having fun playing around on that. On the phone there is a GPS app, which works quite well, except when you deviate of the course that the GPS software has set. Then the voice prompt seems to get ever so slightly irate, and says "You are now off course" , and then utterly refuses to reroute according to the direction you are now heading in, it eventually resorts to telling you to make a U turn, and every few seconds pipes up with "Make a U turn here" , pretty funny really. It got us home anyway.
That night we needed a couple of things so nipped up to one of our local supermarkets, to get them. Not sure what was going on in there but they had one of the most amazing sales on that I have ever seen. Cds, including some that were in the charts at £1.50 to £3.00, dvds from£1.00. They even had blu-ray from just £3.00. Best of all, they had a kodak photo printer at just £9.00 from over £80.00. Mystifying. But I didn't complain, as I had been looking for a nice photo printer for ages, but didn't buy one due to the price, and I also got Planet Earth on blu-ray for £8.00, which I had wanted for ages, but again didn't buy due to price. When we got home, I had to try out the printer. The prints that came out of it amazed me, the detail was so fine. So one happy bunny here. The other plus is that it doesn't need to be plugged in to the computer to work, and will even print directly off my mobile phone with the data cable.
On Saturday, it was my Mums turn to come down to Herefordshire. The weather was utterly wonderful for her (sarcasm alert ;-) )It tipped it down with rain all day long. But then we really did need it as it had been more or less dry for so long. As I have said before, she really like visiting churches around the county, and MLO and I have usually taken her around the county in search of the finest. This time however I decided we would look at the local churches, within a few miles of us. Firstly, we visited Holmer church, just on the edge of Hereford city. This is one of the county's black and white churches. It is dedicated to St Bartholomew. The earliest parts of the church date from the 12th C, and the black and white tower, from the 16th C. Next, we paid a visit to Withington, which was closed. Mum wasn't too happy, but there was nothing that we could do about it.

After that we took my mum to Hampton Bishop, the church MLO and I have been going to for evening services. She fell in love with the building, which is really rather lovely. I have put about its history what I know of it anyway, in another post
here . After Hampton Bishop, we went via Dormington church (which was closed) to Lugwardine. We were in lick there, as the vicar (I presume) and his son and daughter were setting up some things for teas, so I asked if we could come in and he said we were more than welcome. A very pretty church again and much bigger inside than it looks like from outside. With some lovely windows.
From there we went back to Hereford for a coffee. MLO left us for a while as he wanted to be home for when his mother got back from Northumberland.
Mum went home on the eight o clock train.
When I got home MLOs mother was full of stories of what she and her friends got up to on holiday, which was fum to listen to. She showed us all her pictures, and it really did look as though they had a lot of fun. On one of their daytrips across the border into Scotland they came across a lone bagpiper. And being the bunch of daft gits that they all are, broke into an impromptu highland jig, much to the amusement of the other onlookers. Whenever they all get together (the agricultural society) no one knows what will happen.
Anyway onto today. For the first time in ages I overslept when I should have been somewhere, namely church. I couldn't believe it when I saw the time. Thank goodness for the other church and evening service. Was a pretty uneventful day overall, had roast lamb for lunch. Got showered ready for church, and went. Was a good service, as usual, with good hymns. There were two that I didn't know, but were easy to pick up thankfully. In his sermon, he was talking about the Trinity, which was hardly surprising give the fact that it is Trinity Sunday. He was talking about how people have tried to visualise God, and that rather than trying to see him as such the best way to "see" Him, is through the spirit acting in people, and what they do, and who they are. He said one day his little 3 year old son had asked him how could he see God, the vicar replied by saying God was like the wind, you can feel him and sense him, just not see him, but that you know he is there. His son then said to him, "Does that mean every time the wind blows on me , that God has given me a hug?". So sweet. At the end of the service MLO opened his mouth about the fact that the vicar hadn't been in touch after he said he would, I just assumed that he was too busy, but it turned out he hadn't got the message, the woman I spoke to hadn't passed the message on, and he apologised. I felt a bit embarrassed though, as he obviously was put on the spot a bit by MLO. We had a pretty good chat afterwards which was really good, he asked what we did for a living, so we told him. A good chat. He said he would be in touch at some point in the week, when he got my number and address. One other thing that was amusing was when the lady who did one of the readings came up to us, and asked if we were visiting the church, we didn't like to say that we had been going there every other week for slightly over three months, so just said where we lived.
I knew right away this morning that MLOs mother was back. Screaming and shouting are the norm again. She really really needs to sort her head out. Have tried talking to her, but she will not listen. MLO has tried she wont listen to him. Every morning and evening, I pray that she will be able to sort her head out, or sort out what is going on, she has got so downright nasty, I'm not sure if I can take it for much longer, she flew into a rage when she realised we were going to church this evening, she does it over anything and everything, and is downright nasty and vindictive in what she does and says. MLO walked out on her too. I really do not know what to say to her, or to do, as whatever I do is wrong these days. I almost didn't get to church this evening because she what she said and did drew me to tears again, and I felt so rotten, I really wasn't in the right frame of mind to go, but I went, and it helped, a bit.
Anyway, enough of that. I have work every day this week, so will be out of the house from just after half seven, to just before half seven each day, so that will give me plenty of space. I have a couple of books from the library to read, and a couple I bought from Oxfam too, so no chance to get bored. Will be pretty tired by the time I have finished this coming week.
Oh well, I really ought to get to bed now. Work starts in less than eight hours. So, TTFN.
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